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When you press the Submit Button, you will be forwarded to the SECURE PayPal website to complete your transaction.
PLEASE be aware that when paying through PayPal you must add an additional 2.9% to cover administration fees.
30 Day Program
$16,740 includes 2.9% plus GST
29% remain abstinent after 1 yr
- Individual counselling
- CBT and Life-skills workshops
- First 7 steps of the 12 step program
- Yoga and meditation
- Physical exercise and activities
- Weekly massage
- Infra-Red Sauna
- Doctor phone or video appointments
- Off site meetings
- Private Rooms
- Minimum 1 year After care follow up
60 Day Program
$32,940 includes 2.9% plus GST
56% remain abstinent after 1 yr
- Individual counselling
- CBT and extended Life-skills workshops
- All 12 steps
- Yoga and meditation
- Physical exercise and activities
- Weekly massage
- Infra-Red Sauna
- Doctor phone or video appointments
- Off site meetings
- Private Rooms
- Minimum 1 year Aftercare follow up
- Family program
- Grief and Trauma Therapy
- Private Aftercare Session packages available
90 Day Program
$48,816 includes 2.9% plus GST
79% remain abstinent after 1 yr
- Individual counselling
- CBT and extended Life-skills workshops
- All 12 steps
- Yoga and meditation
- Physical exercise and activities
- Weekly massage
- Infra-Red Sauna
- Doctor phone or video appointments
- Off site meetings
- Private Rooms
- Minimum 1 year Aftercare follow up
- Family program
- Grief and Trauma Therapy
- Individualized advanced assignments
- Private Aftercare Session packages available